Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Grant application

Why it is so important to purify mMDH from pig heart?
Are structures of mMDH(isomers, isozymes) making It stands out from other organism.
Is this project feasible, and the benifit after It is successful?
The most important thing to keep in mind is that you are persuading the organizations to receive funds from them. So money, time, feasibility and application are outcomes. The project is taken by inheriting present methods, or inducing new methods that will save time, money, afford.

1. The purpose of project
- Give the purpose including: what is going to be solved?? what is going to be done?
2.  Introduction and background
- introduce the proteins, compounds...why it is so important.
- Novel methods
3. Experiment
Describe each step
4. Feature plans

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