Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Preparations for the seminars

Preparations for the Literature Seminars
During the two literature seminars, you should critically assess a scientific paper related to application of chromatography. The purpose of the seminar is to discuss whether the authors have chosen the best way to solve the analytical problem, if they have addressed all aspects of the techniques used in the published application, and if you could come up with different and possibly better ways of solving the analytical task described in the paper. Each papers is studied by a group of two students, who will present the paper to the other students at the seminars. All students should read all papers and be prepared to participate actively in the discussion.
Reprints for the Seminar I are provided by the course leader on the course web. In order to make it clear that the papers selected for the first seminar had not been chosen because they were of inferior “quality”, each group of two students presenting their paper in Seminar I are asked to select one paper for Seminar II. Thus, prior to Seminar II (no later than the date indicated in the literature seminar page of the course web), each pair of students should select a paper and submit a PDF copy to the course leader by mail. Don’t forget to reveal in the mail which two students who will present the paper. When the papers have been received, they will be placed on the course web for download by the other students ASAP.
This is how you select a paper:
Dial in on the web (to gain access you need to be at the university or in a student apartment, where the IP-address is being recogniced as part of Umeå University)
Navigate to Journal of Chromatography B and select the Table of Contents for a recent issue
Look for a “suitable article” by browsing the titles and abstracts listed in the Table of Contents
A “suitable article” is a paper which is a typical application, i.e., someone has tried to solve an actual real analytical problem, attempted to validate the procedures, and publish the findings as a method.
Select a paper that is neither too long, nor too short (some 5-7 pages is reasonable), and that focuses on
the chromatography and/or sample preparation, rather than esoteric mass spectrometric determination
techniques (we have separate courses for that). If other students have already selected their papers (see the course web), try to find a paper that has a variation in techniques (sample prep & final separation).
Download the selected article and send the PDF file to the course leader by mail.
Prepare a 5-10 minute presentation of the paper, focusing on the rationale behind the choice of
the techniques used in the paper, how the chosen technique(s) compare to other technique(s) for
solving this and similar separation problems, and whether the authors have carried out the work
properly and addressed all issues pertinent to the method, according to your opinion.
Read the other groups papers critically, trying to find “weak spots” there for the discussion.
Please come well prepared for the seminars, otherwise they will hardly be meaningful!

Literature seminar – Critical Assessment of Scientific Works
Approximately a week prior to this assignment, you will be given a scientific paper from a recent issue
of an analytical journal. Your task is to read this paper carefully, and prepare a short oral presentation
of the paper. The presentation should focus on the findings of the paper, and suggestions for topics to
discuss are :
• What are the objectives of the paper, and have these objectives been fulfilled?
• Which techniques have been used to accomplish the objectives?
• What are the results obtained, and do these results meet the objectives?
• Can the quality of the presented data be critically assessed?
• Discuss possible alternative ways of achieving the results presented in the paper.
• Can you raise some criticism against the paper?
• Your final judgment of the paper.
• Would you use this paper as a basis of developing a method?
Papers given to the other students in the group should also be read, so that you can participate
actively in the presentations with questions and comments

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