Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hydrophilic interaction

the partitioning between ''enrich water layer stationary phase'' and water from mobile phase. Also the electrostatic interaction

For example: ZIC-HILIC column

The retention mechanism is based on electrostatic interactions or partition/adsorption. But what exactly causes the retention of hydrophilic compounds is still controversial.
Which interaction affords the retention of hydrophilic compounds?
There are possible sources such as adsorption, electrostatic, hydrogen-bonding, dipole–dipole.interaction.
Due to the long chain of Zwitterionic three-C so it is not possible for one cis platin molecules having + -, and - + interaction with one functional group.
The hypothesis: First the cis DDP will be attracted by SO3- then creating a surface of Cisplatin.
Selective mobile phases, with respect to organic modifier, buffer salt, ionic strength, and pH, the column will be suitable for separation of variable compounds.

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