Monday, December 20, 2010

Article 2

Read the article here
The determination of docetaxel in rabbit plasma.
The method: a nylon6 nanofibers mat-based SPE coupled with HPLC-UV
The advantages of using a nylon6 nanofibers mat-based SPE coupled as a sorbent for SPE
-a larger specific surface due to large surfce-to-volume ratio
- more active situs for adsorption because of small average micropores
- using small amount of desorption solvent.
- High flowrate, can handle with a large amount of samples
The reason for conducting this experiment
docetaxel(DTX) is a new generation anticancer drug that is used to cure breast, nonsmall-cell lung, ovarianand head and neck cancers, but it shows poor solubility in water. To improve the solubility of DTX in water cyclodextrins is used to formulate with DTX a new formulation,especially sulfobutyl ether beta-cyclodextrin (SBE- β-CD) combined witt DTX to form DTX-SBE- β-CD
Standards(DTX): 1.02mg/mL
QCs(Quality Controls) 100.0 g/mL
I.S(Internal Standards): 110.2 g/m
Working solutions: 0.1, 0.2, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 50.0 g/mL
The preparation of standards and QC samples
Standards: Control rabbit plasma aliquots (450 L) were spiked with 50 L of each working solution to have 0.01, 0.02, 0.10, 0.20, 1.00, 2.00 and 5.00 g/mL
QC samples: 0.02, 0.200 and 5.00 g/mL

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