Thursday, December 15, 2016

Standard Preparation of Anatoxin +

Solutions: 165 ppm Anatoxin + in DMF.
- Prepared 1ppm Anatoxin in 2-propanol
- A set of standard solutions: 20, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200ppb
IONSCAN - LS (Smiths Detection)
Ni 63 (Radioactive Ion Source)
- Calibrant: used to correct the variations in Temp, pressure, and drift field. 
Instrument parameters:
- Drift Heater ( Fixed ) By defult if changed calibrant ions may not be produced.
225, 230C : No referrence peak obtained. 225 is default Temp of IMS tube. Inlet temp should be higher than desorber temp 5 to 10 degree. These temps can be varied to get the best peak in terms of peak are and peak height.
Default Operating:
Inlet temperature: 285
Desorber temperature: 280

This post is related to my PhD program in Valencia University. Unfortunately I had to quit the program due to sinusitis - which developed severely from January to March. 

Largely thank to professor Miguelde la Guardia and other members of the group for including my name in the publication 

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