Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Master Project

All about cis platin
Platinum compounds structure info
Video Cisplatin mechanism

- analytical process in practice
- Cisplatin
interferes the cancer cell, and slows the
The qualification of Cisplatin
- sample preparation 
- Eluents for running LC-ICP MS: low volatile compounds are suitable.
- Meterials: Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography
Day 1 of M 15/06/11
Dat 2 of M 16/06/11
 Day 3 of M
day 4 of M 
day 5 of M 
Day 6 of M 

intracellular cisplatin adducts

Study CDDP retention machenism in Zic-hilic column
- intracellular cisplatin adducts 
Summerized methodologies for cisplatin determination.
Continue 15/08/2011: summarize results
16/08/2011: analyze Transplatin and change column to  
TM for hilic column 
27/09/2011---> T0 experiments.
My thesis  http://umu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:535739/FULLTEXT01.pdf

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